Saturday 19 January 2013

Catching up, Cooking and Waiting for Snow (18/01/2013)

The last few days I have been trying to catch u on all my Tv programmes that I like.  The three series I have been watching so far are Revenge, Hart of Dixie and Beauty and the Beast.  I have managed to to complete the series of Beauty and the Beast and I am about 2/3rds of the way through the first series of Revenge and Hart of Dixie.  I am really enjoying them and during the weekend I want to hopefully catch up on Arrow and Bones as well.  I will get there, it's just I don't have that much time for myself.

All day we have been waiting for good snowfall as the girls really want to go outside and play and make snowmen.  Luckily at about 5 o'clock it started to snow and it looked like it was going to snow all night and leave us with a good couple of inches of snow for the next day.  I am honestly not a big fan of the snow but I love watching children play in it.  Plus this will be my youngest first proper big snow where she have chance to have some fun in it.  So I will have the camera at the ready for lots of snowy filled pics.

For dinner I decided to try a new recipe and it is a very simple one.  Yes I found it pinterest again, but they have so many good ones to try.  It's called Braided Spaghetti Bread and looked really delicious so I thought I would give it a go.  All it is, is a bread dough rolled out and you put in the middle cooked spaghetti with a sauce you like.  I had added a little bit of turkey mince to add some extra flavour then add some mozzarella on top of the spaghetti and braid the dough on top.  I then added garlic butter on top with Parmesan and baked in the oven for 20 minutes at 180oC.  This is what mine turned out like.

I think it turned out pretty well, it also tasted pretty good but I think next time I make it I might go for a different sauce.  This is the link to the recipe that I tried to copy  Hope you have fun trying this if you fancy it.

Bye for now
J x

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